Saturday, May 27, 2006

Shahzia Sikander

"A lack of translation is essential to create new meaning."

Friday, May 26, 2006

La Morita Enamorada:

Galería la casa de la nueve se complace en anunciar “La Morita Enamorada”, una exhibición de pinturas recientes así como un video proyecto realizado por la artista del norte de california Cynthia Hooper. Las pinturas intimistas, en técnica “gouache”, de manera inventiva interpretan la infraestructura domestica, improvisada de manera “creativa”, de Tijuana en varias de las colonias de rápido crecimiento. Los tubos, zanjas, cables y postes que proveen agua y electricidad a estas comunidades posee una narrativa visual intrínseca y sutil, y Cynthia captura esta complejidad e insospechada belleza utilizando estrategias de pintura que incluyen un controlado artificio y sutil manierismo.

El video proyecto de Cynthia documenta metódicamente la variada infraestructura de drenaje de la colonia tijuanense “la Morita”. Estos tubos de desagüe improvisados alternadamente surgen, fluyen y gotean—y con sus protuberancias cilíndricas y sus grietas ondulantes—son sugestione sutiles de los motivos encontrados en películas eróticas. Estos conductos de drenaje de formas erotizadas también son sugerencia metafórica de cuerpos en el paisaje—cuerpos que respiran y se multiplican en respuesta a la explosiva expansión condición económica de la región fronteriza EE.UU./México.

Cynthia Hooper ha exhibido su trabajo en San Francisco, Los Angeles y Nueva York, también ha trabajado con “El centro para interpretación del uso de la tierra” y el colectivo de artistas SIMPARCH para insite_05. También ha recibido la beca “Gunk Foundation” por su trabajo interdisciplinario para lugar-especifico. Esta es su primera exhibición en Tijuana.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

An assignment from Eleanor Antin:

"Go out and commit a crime, but don't hurt anyone."

A caveat from Thomas Lawson:

"Art that misbehaves within a strictly defined and protected set of conventions"

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Some caveats from Roberta Smith:

"meticulous craft at the service of weak ideas"
"big thoughts that gloss over a lack of attention to physical materials"

SOS: Emergency Architecture @ LAXART

TOROLAB: a Tijuana-based artist's collective

Teddy Cruz

"For San Diego as well as Tijuana, the Horse and the Doll have ironically become political symbols that remind us of the opportunities opened up by an insurgent, flexible urbanism that insinuates itself into the most rigid contexts using simple strategies of transgression and appropriation."

Monday, May 22, 2006

The Political Equator:

Urbanidades de Trabajo y Vigilancia:
Un Evento Publico Trans-Fronteras, Junio 9/10/11: 2006
Tijuana/San Diego

Urbanities of Labor and Surveillance:
A 3-Day Trans-Border Public Event, June 9/10/11: 2006
Tijuana/San Diego

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Erling Sjovold

"The eye is an amoral instrument."
Henry Miller: "Everything that happens, when it has significance, is in the nature of a contradiction."

Saturday, May 20, 2006

The Atlas Group

"He will not respect you if you speak literally. If you don't know how to speak in parables, 'you're nobody', he often said."

Mark Bradford

"If your art statement is too understandable, it could be a liability in the art world."

Hair Repatriation

Friday, May 19, 2006

Georges Bataille:

" is not necessity but its contrary, "luxury," that presents living matter and mankind with their fundamental problems." (for Steve)

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Kelly McLane

Opening reception: May 20 6-8pm, Angles Gallery, Santa Monica, CA

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

For my students:

"Don't worry about your originality. You could not get rid of it even if you wanted to. It will stick to you and show you up for better or worse in spite of all you or anyone else can do."
--Robert Henri

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

"Almost all learning we do comes from seeing others perform tasks well."

Dave Hickey:

"I have never taken anything printed in a book to heart that was not somehow confirmed in my ordinary experience--and that did not, to some extent, reform and redeem that experience."

Marti Cormand at Gregory Lind (San Francisco):

Wilde: "Nothing worth knowing can be taught."
Yeats: "perfection of the life, or of the work"

Monday, May 15, 2006

"In the art world today, the language of rebellion is in many ways the language of power and ambition."

Tom LaDuke

Lucy Lippard:

"Good art educators urge people to think for themselves, while providing social context and background information. Bad art educators act as though there were a single interpretation to be handed down to the unwashed."
"True art collectors are willing to eat peanut butter for most of their lives."

Dr. Seuss:

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."